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Be happy doing what you love and good at, and you will be well rewarded.

As long as you feel yourself centered and are fulfilling your purpose you are sent here for you will succeed and be prosperous and happy in all areas of your life. Jose Silva

Everything is possible within your reach as long as you know what you want and then watch for indications.

What is the purpose of work? Self realisation, using and multiplying your talents and potential, getting financially rewarded to live the life you want to live, provide value to others, help people change their life for better.

How big are your plans, eg how many people will benefit, more help you get, more money you make.
More people you serve, the more service you provide, the more problems you solve, the more money you get.

Want a new job, more $

Reflection questions:


- Want to get a new job that will pay you more money?
- What you can do that will be of more value?
- How many people will benefit from you working at your new job?
- Keep in mind what you needs are plus a little bit more.
- Will your family members benefit?
- Will you work harder and more for your new employer than most employees?
- Will this provide you with more opportunities and resources to help other people that need help?

Person at Night with Smoke

What's my worth

- How do you measure value of your work?

- Not by how hard you work
- But how many people benefit from it
- How much value it provides


Getting paid is the result of your work, and the value you provide. Not working because you are getting paid. More people will benefit the more valuable work is.

If you do the right job than money will come to us.
Need a million dollars? Give 10 million dollars wo


Additional Tools

Knowing what you want?


Don't know what your talents are?


Want to grow your strengths?





Healthy Smoothie

Personal Finance Wheel of life

'The main cause of poverty is poverty thinking'

- Mahatma Gandhi


What are your beliefs about money?

- What is the first thing that comes up when you think about money?

- What are your feelings about abundance?

- What is 'enough' money to you?

- What is your biggest fear about money?


'More than you may be aware, money is an extension of the person who uses it. Your thoughts and feelings color it, making it 'filthy lucre; or blessed divine substance. If you think positively and creatively about your money, you actually multiply its effectiveness. If you criticize and depreciate it, you actually tend to dissipate it and repel it from you.' - Eric Butterworth - Spiritual Economics


Are you ready to work on your belief system and implement a financial plan to which you can commit to get the financial abundance you desire?


Reflect on your level of satisfaction on each of the below spikes and book a free session with a coach to help you move forward

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Purpose Mantra

You will continue to strive to take part in constructive and creative activities (act, live to your best capacity, abilities and talents to make this a better world to live in you will consider the whole humanity depending on their ages like mothers or fathers, sisters or brothers, sons or daughters (respect, love, help) you are superior human being (special responsibility on the planet) you have greater understanding, compassion and patience with others (Solution oriented, more you give more you receive) creating the paradise. (Higher sense of purpose turning it into action)

Image by Doran Erickson


- What

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